Alage in tank!


I am having an issue with green algae growing on my glass and sand. I seem to clean the algae a few times a day off the glass with my nagnet only to have it settle back. It is pretty much the same with the rock and sand as far as it staying around so not sure what to do. We thought about adding a lawnmower blenny or something to help control it. We do have misc. snails "need a few more", serpant star and 2 emeralds as our CUC. I took all the hermits out due to preference and them bothering my corals. What we are asking I guess is what inverts are out there that can help control this problem? We do know it has to do with the lights and our feeding as well so we want scavengers to help eat the waste as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shaunalynna
I am having an issue with green algae growing on my glass and sand. I seem to clean the algae a few times a day off the glass with my nagnet only to have it settle back. It is pretty much the same with the rock and sand as far as it staying around so not sure what to do. We thought about adding a lawnmower blenny or something to help control it. We do have misc. snails "need a few more", serpant star and 2 emeralds as our CUC. I took all the hermits out due to preference and them bothering my corals. What we are asking I guess is what inverts are out there that can help control this problem? We do know it has to do with the lights and our feeding as well so we want scavengers to help eat the waste as well.
how about actually fixing the problem? what's the livestock list, the tank, filtration, lighting, and how much do you feed? What kind of water do you use for salt and topoff?


Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
how about actually fixing the problem what's the livestock list, the tank, filtration, lighting, and how much do you feed? What kind of water do you use for salt and topoff?
hmm i wouldent know how to take that comment if i was the thread starter.
anyway back to topic.
do you use an RO/DI i had the sae problem with my tank before i got my DI
what is your Phosphate levels? nitrate levels?
how long do you keep your ligts on for and how old is then tank?
if you don't have an RO/DI i would personally buy one they work wonders!


Kind of rude there don't ya think? I'm trying to fix my problem thus why I asked for help and suggestions!
No I don't use RO/DI water. Actually this tank was set up with tap water and salt mixing the stresscoat as well to kill chlorine in the water. Top off when changing has then been done with distilled since then. Phosphate and nitrates last reading were fine and that was the other day during the issue. Lights I keep them on from about 7-9 am, sometimes 12 noon until about 7pm. Then I turn on the moonlights until we go to bed about 10-11:30 usually then it goes dark. My tank is about 3-4mo old now or so. Feeding I do 2x a day pellets in the morning and then forzen brine in the evening.


I'm not an expert by any means, but something I have already learned in my 3 months of reef keeping is that frozen brine shrimp is very high in phosphates, which will encourage algae growth like mad.
Do yourself a favor and switch to freeze dried brine, and that should help out for ya!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shaunalynna
Kind of rude there don't ya think? I'm trying to fix my problem thus why I asked for help and suggestions!
No I don't use RO/DI water. Actually this tank was set up with tap water and salt mixing the stresscoat as well to kill chlorine in the water. Top off when changing has then been done with distilled since then. Phosphate and nitrates last reading were fine and that was the other day during the issue. Lights I keep them on from about 7-9 am, sometimes 12 noon until about 7pm. Then I turn on the moonlights until we go to bed about 10-11:30 usually then it goes dark. My tank is about 3-4mo old now or so. Feeding I do 2x a day pellets in the morning and then forzen brine in the evening.
I agree with what I think rotarymagic wanted to say, but not the way he/she said it (kinda rude). Finding out what is supporting (meaning food, minerals, temp, and lighting) your algae growth is important and using only RO/DI water is one part of a permanent solution. Lighting schedule is also very important-when I first got my cool new T5 324W setup I kept them on about 15 hours a day which was way too long for my tank. I currently keep them on only about 9 hours a day. Also consider how much natural light your tank may be getting through your windows.
I have a LMB in my 55 gal reef tank and he sems to be doing well. I have hardly any algae in my tank and the LMB and my snails are doing a job on it. Agree generally with removing hermits-while I like them and have some, their favorite food seems to be snails. I just replace the snails on a regular basis as the hermits chow down on them. I have seen a couple of hermits wrestling over a snail a few times!

What is your tank size and current livestock, including corals and what is your feeding schedule?


Originally Posted by Nordy
I agree with what I think rotarymagic wanted to say, but not the way he/she said it (kinda rude). Finding out what is supporting (meaning food, minerals, temp, and lighting) your algae growth is important and using only RO/DI water is one part of a permanent solution. Lighting schedule is also very important-when I first got my cool new T5 324W setup I kept them on about 15 hours a day which was way too long for my tank. I currently keep them on only about 9 hours a day. Also consider how much natural light your tank may be getting through your windows.
I have a LMB in my 55 gal reef tank and he sems to be doing well. I have hardly any algae in my tank and the LMB and my snails are doing a job on it. Agree generally with removing hermits-while I like them and have some, their favorite food seems to be snails. I just replace the snails on a regular basis as the hermits chow down on them. I have seen a couple of hermits wrestling over a snail a few times!

What is your tank size and current livestock, including corals and what is your feeding schedule?

my tank size is a 28gal and home to 1-six line wrasse, 2-clowns, 1 royal gramma, 2 emeralds, 1 serpant and then a few misc snails. Corals I currently have are xenia, yellow sun polyps, glove polyps, green button zoa, brown polyps and 2 toadstools mia in the tank. All corals are tiny frags though nothing big. Feeding I feed pellets in the AM and then frozen brine in the evening.


Just a suggestion or two - forget feelinggs and rudeness
Stop feeding twice a day.
Stop using tap water.
Put some hermits back into the system.


Originally Posted by Shaunalynna
Actually this tank was set up with tap water and salt mixing the stresscoat as well to kill chlorine in the water. .
I use to use Stresscoat - its that stuff that is like GLUE that comes out of the bottle..
I stopped using mine along time ago and my tank looks much better.. filters are cleaner ect.. my skimmer doesn't act up anymore - way too much crap wiht the stresscoat..
I now use seachem Prime - its smells like crap but it takes out the chrorine..
my 2 sens...


Originally Posted by Dennis210
Just a suggestion or two - forget feelinggs and rudeness This here should be a main factor when posting as tihs puts me off websites and has done on this site once for a few months
Stop feeding twice a day.
+1 feed once every two days
Stop using tap water.
+1 you should buy an ro/di unit as this is the best water you can have (allmost)
Put some hermits back into the system.
+1 put in 20-25 hermits and 25-30 snails this is what i would do in the 28 gal plaster it full of helpfull critters (less fish more critters hehehe)
Originally Posted by Shaunalynna

Kind of rude there don't ya think? I'm trying to fix my problem thus why I asked for help and suggestions!please don't let him/her puyt you off this website it's very helpfull. just some peple have social skills some don't
No I don't use RO/DI one
Actually this tank was set up with tap waternoooo it's bad lol and salt mixing the stresscoati wouldnt use this my lfs uses this and it can be a pain. as well to kill chlorine in the water. Top off when changing has then been done with distilled since then. Phosphate and nitrates last reading were fine and that was the other day during the issue. Lights I keep them on from about 7-9 am, sometimes 12 noon until about 7pm. i would keep lights on for about 6-7 hours max for a few daysThen I turn on the moonlights until we go to bed about 10-11:30 usually then it goes dark. My tank is about 3-4mo old now or so. Feeding I do 2x a day pellets in the morning and then forzen brine in the evening.
like i said above


+1 for the extra snails. My turbos work wonders. Also, it might help to put your lights on a timer (10-12 hours). My timer turns the night lights on when the MH's go out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dennis210
Just a suggestion or two - forget feelinggs and rudeness
Stop feeding twice a day.
Stop using tap water.
Put some hermits back into the system.
You said it in many fewer words than I did in my reply above! I would only add, reduce lighting.


I am still working out the kinks with the same issue. I reduced feeding, phosphates and introduced a sand sifting star. Now all I do is a 5-10% waterchange each week and clean the glass once every other day.