alage prob.


People say that emerald crabs will eat bubble algae, but, in my experience, that doesn't work. My two emeralds will crawl across the bubble algae to eat the other algae that is growing. I have heard about something called Joe's Juice that you can basically inject them with. I have about 4 bubbles of bubble algae and I am just going to leave them alone until I start seeing them spread.


I have had 2 emeralds in my tank for about 3 weeks and i am still yet to nitice any significant drop in the amount of alage


Active Member
I believe emeralds are 50/50. Joe's juice, as I have read here, is for aptasia (sp). This is the first time I read about using it to control bubble algea. I believe the emeralds with the orange joints are the "true" emeralds that may eat bubble algea. Other than that, manually removal is an option. Just make sure not to pop them. Do a search---tons of threads on how to.