Alage Sheets??? Nori??

ledzep fan

Active Member
I don't know if I posted this in the right place but here goes. My yellow tang looks like he is getting signs of HLLE. I was looking in to alage sheets and nori but I don't know where I could buy some. Any one know where I can get some?? Thanks in advance. I also wanted to feed my koran Angel some alage sheets and nori. MY main problem is finding it


Staff member
There is a great deal of variety in any online store, including this one.
There is also info on HLLE in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.


Active Member
I get mine at an asian market by my house. It's much less expensive and you get a ton more than offered in the LFS.

ledzep fan

Active Member
ok, well im gonna try the grocery store tomorrow and see what they've got. If they don't have that I think I'll try a LFS around me. Thanks for your help guys. Do you know where I could get some sheets of alge?


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
ok, well im gonna try the grocery store tomorrow and see what they've got. If they don't have that I think I'll try a LFS around me. Thanks for your help guys. Do you know where I could get some sheets of alge?
Nori is algae, it is seaweed.


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Does it have more nutritional value then buying regualar alge sheets??
I am not sure what you mean by regular algae sheets. This stuff is streight from the ocean and dehydrated. After 20 mins in the tank it becomes just as messy.