Alaskan Marine Life


Active Member
I cant wait to go there. Been on my mind for a few years. If you dont mind me asking what were the costs while you were there?


Looking at these pictures makes me homesick! I grew up on Puget Sound, and a lot of the life in these pics is pretty similar (maybe the same?) to what you find in Washington. I'm going back for a visit in August...can't wait to poke around in tidepools!


Active Member
Very nice pics! I particularly like the seastars (Pisaster ochraceus). Even with the color variety (orange, purple) its the same species. Very nice :yes:


Originally Posted by tthemadd1
I cant wait to go there. Been on my mind for a few years. If you dont mind me asking what were the costs while you were there?
Costs of what? I'm only 14 so I may not know the room costs or the costs for the cruise. I just know the trip was well worth the money.


The stars and the anemones were both my favorite probably because of there color. And the stars were everywhere.


Active Member
hopkins were you there during the lowest tide of the year. When we went it was, and you could walk so far out on dry land that during regular low tide it would be higher than 2' feet over my head ( my head by the way bou 5' 8) ther was so many tidal pools crabs and starfish everywhere.


yah, I was there in june. I want to see what Alaska is like in the winter, I bet it looks like a whole different place.


Active Member
Very cool pics. Most of those animals you can find here in Washington as well. The giant green sea anemone that you have pictured are absolutely amazing in their coloring.


Originally Posted by Saltyfishy
Im going to alaska next year around june-july I will post some pics. What city are those picture from?
Those pics were taken in Sitka, Alaska. We also went to Ketchikan and Junaeu.


My parents live in Thorne Bay. Last year my little brother brought me an anenome. It stayed visible for a few weeks and disappeared into the sand for almost two months and all of a sudden, it resurfaced!! My clown claimed it as his beddy by basket and wallered it to death. This summer my mom brought me a few small ones and they seem happy, not moving and staying about mid way in the tank. My brother also brought me a crab and I thought it would die the first day, he lived for about 6 months.


The ones that I got are greyish and green in color. Mom said they were bigger and brighter on the beach, I don't know why, it stays cloudy all the time there. They are only about 2 inches in diameter. She had to dig into the sand to get them, when frightened they suck down below the sand. She just dug down and scooped up the anenome while attached to a rock. Very pretty. Sorry, I do not have a camera, my dad took it to Florida to work the storm.