Albino Tang?


I just got a Scopas tang from swf and when it arrived it looked lighter than expected but uniform in color non the less. Well i acclimated it for a good hour and then put her in the tank. Well about 6 hours later she looked like this. (see picture) She eats well and is active for the most part. It seems like she's starting to get alittle bit of her color back but that might just be in my head. Any idea's on whats up? Just stress? Sick? :help: :confused:


Active Member
It is very common for fish to grow lighter or darker depending on stress levels, aggression, sleep/day, etc.
It could be that it was stressed at the store and was darker there, or that it is stressed in the new tank and is lighter. Hard to know for sure, but color changes are normal with these fish. It looks a bit pale, but otherwise a normal coloration for a scopas.


that fish looks pretty normal to me. that's the way one of those guys came in at my store. except your's looks better.


New Member
I have a Scopas and he appeard lighter in the store, like yours in the picture. He darkened up once he got used to the tank. He has darkened up a little, but your tang looks pretty normal to me. Parts of him may be a little on the light side, but he should darken up. P.S. I fed mine flake, frozen spirulina with brine shrimp, and the occasional algae sheet. Hope that helps!:yes:

big boy69

Nothing wrong with that Scopas.
You'll notice him almost change color in front of your eyes.
Sometimes he'll look all chocolate brown and the next thing you'll notice him change to a different color.
When my Hippo goes in his territory, he gets this reddish streak down the side of him when he's flared up.
Take a good close up look at him and you should see some real fine bright blue streaks running down his body.
They are one of the real beautiful fish there is, to me. They don't look real colorful just looking at them BUT when you REALLY look at them they have lots of color in them.
Make sure you put in a lot of seaweed for him.
Also mine gets fed Brine shrimp, Veggie pellets, veggie, flakes, Total spectra max flakes, romane lettuce and green seaweed.
He's fat, happy and colorful.


Active Member
Looks like he just woke up...probably just adjusting to his new environment. Give it a week, and his color will show.l