Alexknight's 26 Gal Bow.


I just upgraded my tank size from the 24 Gal Aqua Pod. Along with that came, a 150W MH.
1 Wrasse
2 Maroon Clowns
1 bi color benny
1 fire shrimp
1 Maxima Clam
1 Mandarin Dragonet
frog spawn
Hammer coral
Some hard coral not sure the name
Blue carpet anemone
Some sort of BTA that I'm nursing back to health.
Mush of all kinds
green zoo's
feather duster
green stair plops
Pulsing Zenia
I only started with 3!
I will post more pic's tomorrow when the lights are on and everything is open... if you have any comments please say so.


so after having a large amounts of coffee I finally took some pics! hope you enjoy
Frog spawn that I just fraged a couple weeks ago.
Im not sure what kind of hard coral this is? any ideas
more mush frags and the claim
heres is the wrasse
You can really see the full color in this pic all though it didnt want the sliver slider so I am trying shrimp...


Active Member
Any reason why u decided to have the rocks lifted up with the eggcrate opposed to being at the bottom of the tank?
And how much did u drop on the blue anemone? Ive seen those blue and red ones be way up there in price!


Why I have all of the rocks up on the egg crate is when I am working with my mush frag's I tent to drop the smaller ones. I am sure everyone has done once or twice, so instead of spending hours using a long stick to try and remove it from the bottom behind the rock i can just reach under and grab it.
Also it gives my sand shifting star much more room, along with my shrimp and fish love to swim under everything. I am hoping to have the egg crate completely covered in mush so u cant see it.
I just though of it, but I think it helps with the flow? but I'm not sure... haha
I think it was around 250.. it was the true blue or a dark green and I couldn't pass the blue being one of my fav colors.


I have updated my tank as of 7/20/08 I am getting ready to move Monday
. but I am not looking forward to tearing down my tank!! :( Ill post after shots once I get all fit in to the new place along with the fish.
So a question is should I put the tank in the living room will get a lot of sun light but non direct light. Or in my study that will have very little.
Also I think its time to frag my frogspawn again!! it is going crazy!! everything in the tank is doing great expt for a downfall where the anemone I saved from a LFS got it self stuck in a power head
he is okay now and hiding behind some rocks grrr :(
frogspawn time to frag. The large one on the right.
clam seems to be happy
Xenix is quite happy close to the MH.
Hammer has grown bigger!
This guy I am not sure what he is, he is a hard coral but not sure what kind, now has almost two large split heads
my large mush finally split by himself around 5" when fully open.


my feather duster came back after launching the duster part off

now the BTA is now hidden behind rocks, I think the MH is still to strong for him.
I also sold my Blue carpet he was to big for my tank although was still very nice.


thank you!, So I finally got moved and I HATE the aqua scape that is now set up... i have no clue what to do.... I am thinking about breaking down the 26 Gal and moving it all back into my bio cube 24 gal.... then again not sure... Im ganna play with it on Monday when i'm off and see if I like it better =/


the move went good, i love the house, all though i hate the aquascape. I took out the PBC pipping and now everything on the sand but it just looks very weird... I tried to kinda make a frag shelf with some egg create but that didn't work out at all... I have a extra bag of live sand im thinking of just putting it in my 24 gal and moving everything over.


I just moved everything around in the tank and it looks a lot better now
ill post pics in a little when it clears up more.