Algae attack....algae attack...



Hello everyone~
I just wanted to find out if this brown looking algae that is quickly covering my LR and showing on the sides of my glass is normal?
Tank is still cycling after two weeks now. Just did water change yesterday as well.
Just did a test yesterday:
pH: 8.4
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
Calcium: 400
**I use tap water with Ultimate water conditioner by Aquarium solutions. I also use sea salt for now with it. I will get LFS water once my bag of salt runs out.
I have two cleaner crabs in the tank already. Not sure what kind though to be honest with you.
Does this mean I am close to the end of my cycle?
Should I get a particular type of crab to clean this mess up?
Recommendations on next steps?
I realize I leave my light on a lot as well. Is there a cycling of light I need to do also?
Should I just get some kind of drops?
Change water again?
Any help is appreciated.


New Member
how long do u keep your lights on for??And also if your tank is still cycling then you shouldnt be doing water changes yet it prolongs the cycle


I was keeping it on for 8-10 hours a day. I didn't know you had to turn them off.
How long should I keep them on for?
There is a blue light and a bright normal light? What is the difference between the two?
Are my numbers ok to put beta fishes in yet with?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Urugly
I was keeping it on for 8-10 hours a day. I didn't know you had to turn them off.
How long should I keep them on for?
There is a blue light and a bright normal light? What is the difference between the two?
Are my numbers ok to put beta fishes in yet with?
8-10 hrs per day is fine. Your problem is that your using tap water, you should go with RO and or RODI water instead!!! But those brown stuff is diatoms, you get'em in new tanks. No your number is not okay to put any live critters in there yet. You shouldn't even put those crabs in there!!! You have to wait until Ammonia goes to ZERO, same with Nitrites and less then 20ppm for Nitrates, Zero being best. Water changes will lower Nitrate once your ready to do so. Blue light is Actinic and White light is day light. What kind of lights are they?? :happyfish


You mentioned something about betas... Do you have a freshwater tank, or a saltwater tank? First off, you shouldn't have more than ONE beta in a tank, period. Second, if its saltwater, you shouldn't be putting betas in there, they are freshwater fish.
Just my .02 cents.

payton 350

your problem isn't necessarily tap water...but it does contribute...those are natural diatoms that are gonna occur in any new patient and wait until it cycles...i would turn the lights off and maybe just clean the glass for now with a mag float or cloth
and yes i agree with mikey....but also is it salt or fresh


oh sorry....
This is for a saltwater tank...
I meant beta fish=tester type of fish (just to help accelerate cycle)
Someone said I shouldn't be doing water changes yet, until I am done cycling. How can I lower those levels, if I can't do water changes yet?
I will start using RO water on my next water change. What do I do with the algae now?
Just keep lights off longer to stop growth?

payton 350

the whole point of cycling is to not lower the levels manually but to let the tank sustain itself.....if it can't sustain itself now it will never be able to sustain it with fish waste.......let the bacteria grow and do it's thing
these first few months are gonna be a pain with will go through it's own little cycle ...but stay on top of it when you see hair algae and cyno


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeanBaby01
You mentioned something about betas... Do you have a freshwater tank, or a saltwater tank? First off, you shouldn't have more than ONE beta in a tank, period. Second, if its saltwater, you shouldn't be putting betas in there, they are freshwater fish.
Just my .02 cents.
For your information, there are saltwater marine betas as well....Just so you know... :happyfish


OK...guys...levels went back everyone said I was just about done cycling.
I went and got some turbo snails (2) and a clown fish.
Put them into the tank yesterday.
BTW-the clown was going nutzz.... is that normal for the first couple days. He was swimming eratic everywhere. He calms down when lights are off.
Anyways. tested waters again today and results are in:
pH: 8.4
Nitrite: .25 ppm
Ammonia: .25 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm
Salt: 1.024
Things have spiked a bit it seems. There is a lot more algae growth as well.
Do I just wait it out? or should I do a water change this weekend?
Is my clown fish ok? (he was tank raised if that makes any difference)
This is for a 12G Nano tank as well.
Try and keep my light down in use now, but just want to make sure that these numbers are still normal.
Thanks for help and advice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Urugly
OK...guys...levels went back everyone said I was just about done cycling.
I went and got some turbo snails (2) and a clown fish.
Put them into the tank yesterday.
BTW-the clown was going nutzz.... is that normal for the first couple days. He was swimming eratic everywhere. He calms down when lights are off.
Anyways. tested waters again today and results are in:
pH: 8.4
Nitrite: .25 ppm
Ammonia: .25 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm
Salt: 1.024
Things have spiked a bit it seems. There is a lot more algae growth as well.
Do I just wait it out? or should I do a water change this weekend?
Is my clown fish ok? (he was tank raised if that makes any difference)
This is for a 12G Nano tank as well.
Try and keep my light down in use now, but just want to make sure that these numbers are still normal.
Thanks for help and advice.
This just tells me that you did not even listen to my advice that was given to you before. You shouldn't put that clown fish in there with your levels at all!!!!!!!!! His gills is probably burning up....I have nothing else to say....


Active Member
i know how u feel mike but it makes me sad he is getting hurt so.... get that clown back NOW! sorry if it seems mean but think how that clown feels especially after u ddint listen


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
This just tells me that you did not even listen to my advice that was given to you before. You shouldn't put that clown fish in there with your levels at all!!!!!!!!! His gills is probably burning up....I have nothing else to say....
