Algae Blenny


Hi all... I haven't been here in quite a while. I have a new algae blenny and I've got a few questions...
I had one before that was really friendly - he used to hang out at the front of the tank and follow me when I walked by. The one I just got is very shy (in the tank 5 days so far). Is that the blenny's usual personality? Disappointing. He's usually hiding.
The other thing I've noticed is that he seems to be able to blend in to the rock like a chameleon. When he's hanging out in or on the rock he appears purplish colored, whereas in the LFS and when he's out on the sand, he appears tan-ish colored. Is it my eyes or do these fish have a chameleon color-change ability?
Well I have had sort of the same experience. I have since learned that there are many species of blennies. The most friendly is the "Lawnmower", the cute one that leaves those Marilyn Monroe lip prints all over your glass. Most others are not so friendly.
When I lost my lawnmower (siphon hose accident :mad: ) I reordered another. Seems the one I got is definately not a lawnmower. Altho it is hardy and cute, it has the behaviour you describe. And yes, he can really change colors!
Another thing is he likes to tunnel, really I don't like this. I have a very fine DSB and this creates sand storms all over the place.
So, sounds like you have a shy species. I think mine is a "Seeweed Blenny" Parablennius marmoreus.
Good luck!!


I believe I have the same fish. He changes colors, and doesn't leave marks on the glass. He is also more shy than I thought he was going to be.
I bought an eyelash blenny 2 weeks ago, I found out that not only will he change colors, but he will also leave the "lip prints" act shy and to my surprise defend the shell he calls home. I was rolling when I saw him chasing my Cinnamon Clown arround the tank.


I keep catching mine sitting on top of the powerheads - maybe he likes the vibrations? Little freak...
I've been trying to get a picture of him but every time I get close enough he disappears. I could show you a great photo of where-he-used-to-be-sitting-a-second-ago though... ;)


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about your new fish being shy. It may take several weeks for it to feel comfy and safe in it's new home. It may not even eat for several days at a time. My lawnmower is a hoot to watch too! I put an algae clip on the front glass with some seaweed selects in it. My lawnmower will eat some of it and then perch on top of the clip for a while before it eats some more.
Just be patient. (That's the number 2 rule in this hobby. #1 is do your research first.)
Take care,