Algae Blenny


2 weeks ago, I bought a Algae Blenny from my lfs. He is in my 46 gal and hasen't eaten frozen mysis or flake. Although he hasn't eaten yet, from the 1st day I put him in, he's been picking stuff off my rock and glass. Should I be worried?


Active Member
Lawnmower aka "algae" blennies diet consist of algae. If your tank does not have sufficient algae growth you may need to supliment with algae sheets.


Active Member
just be glad he is eating the algea, it will tide him over until it gets low and then he might start eatin frozen foods.


Originally Posted by bcott
does anybody else have a take on this?
I recently got one. He does the same thing in my tank, but I also have plenty of hair algae to keep him busy for a while. I have read that their entire diet is based on algae and as the last person suggested, if u get to the point where there isn't enough algae in the tank, u may need to get algae sheets.