Algae Bloom!


I woke up with a brown algae bloom this mourning. The whole tank is just covered in it. The tank has been running for almost 3 months. I just replaced my stock hoods with pc's. So i assume the problem is from the light. I don't have much of a clean up crew. I have 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 blue leg crab, and one astraeus snail. Should I go buy more snails and crabs? If so what kind? The lights run about 10 hrs. Should I cut them back? Thanks


Cut your light time to about 6-8 hours a day for now until you get your crew.
I'd say buy a nice cleaning crew from SWF. Here's what I would suggest for your 55:
25x Zebra Hermit Crab
1x Fighting Conch
25x Cerith Snails
20x Nassarius Snails
Maybe also consider picking up about 10x Astrea Snails and maybe a couple of Emerald Crabs.


Active Member
IMO don't get any zebra hermits. I have a few and they are so mean and aggressive, even worse than bluelegs.


Viper, I think you just got a 'bad bunch' of Zebras. EVERYONE I have spoken with has said their Zebras were almost all of the time docile, semi-aggressive in the worst case scenario. I can say for a fact that my Zebras get along great with themselves and other hermits. Now the Blue Leg Hermits are notorious for killing each other.


Active Member
I would buy some more. 5 is not nearly enough for a 55. Stomatella snails like diatoms too.
I have Zebras, blue and red hermits and I dont have any problems with anyone beating anyone up.
But I have a wierd tank too. Condy that doesnt move, has a clown, a flowerpot that lives, 2 blennys that are fat and dont fight.
The list goes on....
At any rate do get some more snails and hermits. They will help. Let us know how it turns out.


Yeah i plan on getting more. Im gonna order a crew from swf. Im paying twice at much at my lfs. The turbos should help out some.


Active Member
I dunno I purchased 10 turbos for my 125 and they cleaned the tank spotless withing a week in another post I was reading someone had mention 20 snails to many for a 90 wouldnt it be practical to say 10 or more for a 55 gal is a bit 10 turbo snails cleaned so well my blemmy ran out of work