Algae Cleaners?


I've recently added some corals, a clown, and some hermits to my 20 gal tank. The hermits are doing a great job of cleaning the sandbed and rocks, but i'm getting a lot of green algae on the glass. Whats a good reef friendly creature that will clean it?


if you get a lawnmower blenny, it'll peck at the algae on your glass but you'll end up with thousands of lip prints. all i can really say is to buy a heavy-duty aquarium cleaning magnet. they work wonders and will clean your tank in seconds...unlike any animal.


Active Member
and if you start getting it on your rock work, get an emerald crab or 2, there awesome at eating it up! Todd


A lot of the algae has begun creeping onto my rockwork. However, I have high phosphate levels and dont want to lose my bubble algae to an emerald crab. are there any other options?


With high phosphate levels, do some water changes or use as a last resort an additive like phosphate out.
Here is the cleanup crew I'm getting for my 55gal:
15 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
10 Astrea Snails
15 Cerith Snails
15 Nassarius Snails
10 Margarita Snails
5 Peppermint shrimp
2 Emerald Crabs
1 Cleaner Shrimp
Do you have a skimmer on the tank?


Active Member
yeah why would you want to keep the bubble algae? its ugly and can take over your tank in a couple of days


Yes, I have a skimmer on my tank. I have phosphate out, but dont want to use it for reasons you explained. I want bubble algae in my tank so that it will eat up some of the What kind of snails do I need? Which creatures will eat it off the glass and which will take care of the rocks? And is the emerald crab a good trade for the bubble algae (I live in a college dorm and water changes aren't easy)