Algae conundrum


I've got hair Algae.
My Phosphates are 0. However, I have hair algae. I had battled phosphates for a long time and decided to use phosban. Ever since my phosphates have been at zero. Most of the hair has dissapeared. The only hair algae left are the same patches that have been threatining my coral polyps.
My Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Salinity, and Calcium are impeccable. I do regular (monthly) water changes. I have quite a bit of capulera in my aquarium. I have a protien skimmer and a canister filter. My lights are very new and are only on 8 hours a day. I only feed what the fish can eat in under 3 minutes. I have 3 fish (solar fairy, dispar anthias, and a monocle dartfish).
I am using the Salifert phosphate test.
What do I do now?


New Member
You seem as if you’re on top of things. I would suggest less water changed but more frequent like once a week to replenish the system even if your nitrates are on target. Check water flow but I think you may just need a clean up crew. What worked for me scarlet hermit crabs good all around cleaners, emerald crab small, bubble algae eater so they say I had a big emerald and it seemed aggressive keep an eye on this guy as it grows. fighting Conch snails what can I say just great at cleaning sand and eating brown diatom algae, Key word MEXICAN turbo snails Watch out hair algae and cyanobacteria or red slime and even red hair algae that many people have never seen, but I have, these guys are a must Trust Me. Nassarious snails rumor has it that they don't eat algae as once thought but the funny thing is I see them grazing on the glass which leads me to think different what I can tell you for sure they help in cleaning things that have died and uneaten food as well as stir the gravel big time by submerging themselves in it. Cleaner shrimp, just thought I would put him in don't want to make him feel left out but the cleaner is good at cleaning other things like fish. The crew I just mentioned has left my tank with no algae I’m actually thinking of running my lights briefly longer to get some back but I must tell you the greens and purples look so nice when the algae is gone. I didn't mention how many of each i had, reason because no one knows your tanks needs like you and if you buy some and you feel you need more you can always add. Good Luck


Key word mexican turbo snails: get the biggest ones you can find. I got two. One dissapeared 5 minutes into the tank, and I've only seen him once all week (he's still alive, but shy). The other, my favorite has been consuming red hair algae like there is no tomorrow. When I try to clean the rocks, the stuff grows back in few days. After my favorite snail has passed over the rock it stays clean much longer.
gotta think of a good name for that snail!


New Member
neoreef is on the money. Your plan of attack is to keep the algae at bay long enough to get the coralline algaes of all different colors to take over and overcome the Competition.