Algae Eaters for 55 gal



Snails and hermit crabs work best for new tanks, get some cerith and margarita snails and some hermit crabs, i would say 10 hermits and 5 to 10 snails for now.


there are many algae eaters out there depending on the type of algae.
I believe crabs are a bad choice since they do minimal damage if you come up with an algae break out.
I'll say turbo snails work great, but do not buy a whole bunch or they will die of starvation.
Some crabs are ok, it adds life to the rocks. Don''t depend on them to do all the work
You also have Conchs that will eat Cyano on your sand, even mix the sand.
You have emerald crabs that eat bubble algae.
you also have some types of fish that feed mostly on algae.
For new tanks, somce crabs, some snails and some conchs will do the trick. then make sure your water quality is as good as you can get it to be.


New Member
Some crabs are ok, it adds life to the rocks. Don''t depend on them to do all the work
What crabs do u recommend?
Also snails are OK in a salt water tank unlike a Fesh Water Tank I hear you don't want them in that type of tank.


Active Member
Look on this site and others for a "clean up crew".
I have a 55g and I have Cerith, Turbo and Nass snails. I have hermits and had emerald crabs although they have been MIA for a while. I also have a brittle star and an urchin. I have no algae in my tank other than the stuff that collects on the glass.
Good luck!


Stay away from blue legged crabs, I use the red scarlet crabs.
Blue legged tend to be vicious and attack your snails. I know for a fact since my original clean up crew became just hermits after two months.