I have a 60 gal. reef tank that has been established for a few years and has a number of corals and a mated pair of black perculas, a yellow wrasse, a lawmower blenny and tons of crabs (emerald, porcelain, sally light foot, red & blue legged hermits) a coral banded shrimp, a red serpent star, a brittle star and a handful of snails. The calpaura has taken off and is basically overtaking the tank.... I've tried adding tangs a couple of times and each time they've come down with ick within a couple of weeks of being added...
Then the perculas get infected and the tang ends up dying... the perculas I was able to treat and save... I'm afraid to add a tang again after my past luck.. the blenny is a fat happy guy but he isn't even making a dent in the macro algae... there's too much to take it out completely by hand.. but I pull out handfuls every few days...
What about a flame angel? do they eat the sea grapes? or is there a tang that is MUCH less suseptible to ick? I tried a naso tang and a powder blue (should have known better on that one...but the lfs guy talked me into it) I know hippos are very prone to ick...
I'm stumped...