Algae Everywhere

i have algae covering my caves, crushed coral and everything else. how do i stop this or slow it down? i have been keeping my light on for 7 hours a day. should i shorten it?


Active Member
We need more details. There are a multitude of things that can contribute to algea (depending on the type)
What color is the algae?
How long has your tank been setup?
What type of water do you use?
How often do you feed?
What are your parameters?
What type of lights do you have?
Where is the tank located?
There are a couple to get you started, the more detail you give in a post, the more responses you will get with helpful information.


i have the same problem,I have green algae, hair style, all over everything. I have pulled the rocks, cleaned and replaced and within weeks they are covered again. I bought a lawnmower blennie but still have the problem. I put in an extra pump in the water to play as a powerheqa but still having the problem.


Active Member
The answer is in your equipment, your routines, and peramiters. Post those and we shall reveal the answer.


Active Member
Not recomended to use distilled, it is dead water no nutients for your tank.
i do water changes every two weeks. I test my water every friday
i do feed everyday. maybe i put more then i should because i want some flakes to fall to the shrimp at the bottom
maybe 3-4 pinches of flakes
then next day i feed a little mysis shrimp
i have 2 perc clowns
i choc star
2 peppermint shrimp
scooter blenny
snails and crabs
in a 16 gallon tank
the algae is dark green, maybe a little brown.


Active Member
So do you not test your water? What type of water do you use? Come on man you answered like one of our questions, we need more info.
From what you stated, you are WAY overfeeding. Ditch the flake b/c it breaks down more easily and will cause nitrate problems. Feed once a day, and as much as they can eat within 2 minutes.
And using distilled water is okay, your tank doesn't get nutrients from the water, it gets them from the salt you add to the water. Do you think nutrients are left in the water after reverse osmosis and dionoization? There is nothing left in the water, it is pure. Your tank will get its nutrients and minerals from the salt.
so i should not worry about the food reaching the bottom to the shrimp?
as stated in my previous post i do water test every friday
My light is regular bulb that comes w/ a tank setup. i think maybe 50 watts
So i should watch the fish for two minutes to estimate how much they eat?
Also by my 2 camel shrimp suddenly being gone does that mean the choc starfish got them?


Active Member
I didn't see any crabs listed on your inventory. Get about 5 hermit crabs. They eat the stuff like it won't be on the menu tomorrow.


Active Member
How old is this tank??? With a smaller tank, you have lesser room for errors, should be testing more often....Especially when your having issues....


Active Member
I would throw a pic up if you can get one. And like mikey asked - how old? New tanks almost always have inevitable algae probs in the beginning.
i do have 4 hermit crabs
another thing i noticed my snails are not doing the job. my turbo snail is lying upside down. I checked all my levels. How could two snails just die?
plus anybody have an idea of what happened to my two camel shrimp? maybe choc. star ate them?


Active Member
OK, one more time, this time more clear.LOL
actual numbers please, you said you tested so post:
temp anything else you test maybe pH?
What are your lights
Also with a nano tank you should do weekly water changes until problem solved at least.
Have you tested new water?
Do you have a protein skimmer?
What are your filters and what is your turn over GPH?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MATTHRUSHFORD
i do have 4 hermit crabs
another thing i noticed my snails are not doing the job. my turbo snail is lying upside down. I checked all my levels. How could two snails just die?
plus anybody have an idea of what happened to my two camel shrimp? maybe choc. star ate them?
Also inverts will suffer first with water issues so these are very important for us to see to help you.