Algae explosion


Ok, I have a 75 gallon tank. I went to my lfs to buy a coralife power compact lighting system because I would love to have corals. He talks me into a metal halide system with actinics and lunar lights. I have had the lights on my tank for 2 weeks and my tank is GROSE to put it lightly. I don't know what to do. He say's just be patient and it will take 6 to 8 wks to cycle out. EVERYTHING is covered in hair algae that is now turning brown and it looks like a shallow creek at the end of the summer. Slimey! I am trying to brush the algae off to help with the cycle but each day it comes back 2 fold. Can anyone give me advice? All of my water levels are ok except my PH which is now up to 8.8. I am ready to give up and put my old lighting back on the tank just to get it back to normal.
Another problem is the temp is above the safe zone on my thermometer. Right now its 80 degrees. The tank is in my dining room and unfortunately I don't have room for a sump to add a chiller. I am ready to tear it all down and forget it. Will this cycle out or will I keep having this problem? I paid $700 for this light system and I might have the courage to continue with the light if someone, anyone can give me a few words of encouragement. Thanks so much.
:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
Ok lets break it down here... How long has the tank actually been up and running????
Is the tank cycled yet?
What do you have in the tank?
Are you using RO water or tap water?
Length you run your lights?
Feeding habits?
With the temp being 80 degrees really isn't a problem at all. What you want to do it try to keep that temp stable and prevent any major swings in your temp, but 80 would be cool if you can keep it consistent


Ok, well for starter's my tank is 1 year plus in age. I had a hair algae problem in the early stages and tried everything I could think of to get it to disappear. I read somewhere that I should lower my water temp to the low 70's, I did, and presto the hair algae was gone and did not return. Until now that is.
I feed my fish once daily usually flake food and about once or twice a week I feed frozen. I use well water which I have always used, except for a brief period when I tried buying distilled, but I didn't notice a difference in water quality so I went back to well water. The light is on a total of 12 hours per day. The actinics come on first for two hours then the halides which are on a total of 8 hours per day, then the actinics are on for the remaining two hours once the halides are off. The lunar lights are always on.
I have one coral that I was hoping would really thrive with this new light, however, it looks pale in color and is covered in hair algae, and my anemone died. I am really frustrated. I had such high hopes for this light. Thanks for your help.


New Member
It sounds like you have phosphates in your water you may want to get your water tested, and invest in A ro/di fitler, also increase your water movement BIG time mine is almost 26X/HR actual, also get some detrivores about 1.5 per gallon combo of snails, hermit crabs ect....


Thanks for the advice. I do have a few snails and crabs. I've lost a few of both during this process. I have been trying to keep the algae clean but I think I am stressing my fish. I noticed today my coral beauty has a big spot of ick on its side.

Not good, I hope it will go away. I was planning to scoop out all of the crushed coral this weekend and replace it with live sand but I think I better wait a bit and let things settle down.
Thanks again :)