Algae Growth! HELP!!!!


Ever since I gotten my new light, I have had algae growth.
Its comes off real easybut it only takes 2 days to come back.

Kinda slimy green algae


Active Member
Can you describe it or post some pics? There are far too many different alga types that can spring up from a change in lighting, though it usually is not the lighting that is the cause, jsut helped fuel it. It could be excess nitrates, phosphates, a number of different things.
What type of set-up do you have? What kind of livestock? Lighting? Where does the water come from that you do water changes with? What kind of fish and how often do you feed?
To really get any help you need to go into detail about your system.


Just cleaned an hr ago,sorry.
46gal bow
6x39 t5 light
2 powerheads
hob filter
1 flame angel
1Gold Band Maroon Clown
1 Pajama Cardinal
2 Firefish Gobies
1 Scopas tang
1 Gold Banded Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
Use Tap Water with filters,Like I have for past 2 yrs
Feed once a day
Perimeters are 0
Ph 8.4
Temp 80 Sal 1.025
Never had this problem before!!!


$10 says high nitrate from such a large bioload in a 46, and possible phosphate from the tap..... Increase the flow to the affected area, I bet the algae your talking about is cyano. But first give it some time to go away naturally, it is extremely common for an algae outbreak when the bulbs are changed.