Algae growth - what to do?


Active Member
Good idea on the MJ 900. What kind of phosphate remover is it? Google search for "aquarium phosphate test" but make sure it's for salt water.


phospho ban is a good product. It helps alot. But like mentioned before in new tanks, it is very common. It doesnt look nice I know but it will go away. If using tap water, like mentioned before it will stay around, One thing you could do to get ro water is go to Walmart and they have the water purifier ther and you can buy ro water for like 33 cents a gallon, so thats a thought if your tank isnt all that big


RO water definetly seems like something i need to start using. I know my water has to be bad but cant seem to find a phosphate test kit to see exactly how bad, but i will keep searching for one.


Well i finally was able to find a phosphate test kit and i tested my tank water last nite and it was near zero. That was a huge surprise to me. I am adding the second powerhead in some time this afternoon and hopefully that will help getting rid of the algae.
And i also bought a small Diamond Goby to help sift some sand.


WOW - that Diamond Goby is a miracle worker! In just two days he had the entire tank sifted and the algae cleared. He is truly amazing and is very small from comparing him to others that i've seen.
