algae help


I have a 55 gallon FOWLR tank... which I've had for around 6 months. I am having serious algea issues. Three weeks ago I did a 25 percent water change... because my nitrates were high. The nitrates are now at 0-10, I cannot really differenciate between the two colors as they are so close... and I've done another 5 percent water change this week. The algae is green in some spots, like forest colored green, which grows on the livesand... and then their is brown algae growing in other places. How can I get rid of this? I have a brand new protein skimmer, its working effectively, I bought that 3 weeks ago... (the one we had before, wasn't working right) and I just dont know what to do... my tank look gross, (the bottom of the tank) because of this algae problem, anything that anyone would suggest??


Active Member
How many fish do you have...what types and sizes? What are your feeding habits? How much water do you have flowing per hour? What are your water parameters, specifically ph? Do you have a skimmer? How much live rock? What is your cleanup crew? Do you have bioballs?


sounds like cyanobacteria to me. is is hair algae or does it kind of look like slime or rust?? I had the same problem and i got a chemical at my LFS that kills it.


CELACANTHr where do you get your water from? tap?
I use gallons from walmart that is RO
mudplayerx How many fish do you have...what types and sizes? What are your feeding habits? How much water do you have flowing per hour? What are your water parameters, specifically ph? Do you have a skimmer? How much live rock? What is your cleanup crew? Do you have bioballs?
I have four fish... one clown, one coral beauty dwarf, one bi colored blenny, and one juvenile koran angel ((( yes i know that he'll outgrow my tank in 2/3 years, and at that point I will trade him in
and then I have a coral banded shrimp and 5 turbo snails.
the fish are all pretty small..nemo probably an inch ...coral beauty dwarf 2 inches, koran angel juvi 3 inchs and the bicolor blenny 2 inches if that.
we feed almost every day, sometimes i go every two, but I give them one tiny scrape of cyclopeeze and then not even a quarter of angel frozen formula for the two angels...
i have a rio 1400 powerhead... for water flow.
my water parameters are good, ammonia 0, ph 8.0 (should get it higher I know) which i have tried, but it stays at 8.0, nitrites 0 and nitrates 0-10, can't really tell between the two
I have a brand new skimmer...coralife, can't remember the exact one and can't find the paperwork on it...
i have an aquaclear power filter, cycle guard with bio max says that it filters 300 gallons per hour... its for a 70 gallon tank... and my tank is 55... and i probably have 50 lbs of liverock, i removed a ton of it because it looked like it was over crowding my tank also i put a chemipure filter in the hang on box too.
I don't have any bioballs....
Dragonladylea Have you tested your phosphates?
as for phosphates the kit i have doesnt test for them so i should probably get something for it tomorrow.