Algae - Help!


Our Ammonia is still at 8 after two water changes about 15 gal each time. We're still working on getting the ammonia down..... but, I got home from work and noticed some brown algae growing on the rock and sand. I don't know the difference between good and bad algae. I didn't think anything would grow with the ammonia being so high. Please look at the pics and tell me what you think. Thanks.



Looks like a diatome bloom, which is very common for a new tank, and should fade away shortly as long as there's adequate water circulation and no food for it (I believe phosphates can feed diatoms).


it is just part of cycling. Your tank will go through a few different phases of algea as it matures. Nothing to worry about.


Active Member
Does the rock have a lot of sponges or black stuff dying off? I had some live rock that I had to scrub down three times to get my ammonia down, water changes did nothing for it due to lots of sponges. Brown algea is normal, expect a few different colors and varieties as the tank matures.


Originally Posted by petjunkie
Brown algea is normal, expect a few different colors and varieties as the tank matures.
I'm having a heck of what I think is a diatom bloom. Last week it was green!Tank is a 55, six months old, 50# of LR, 50# LS, PC lighting with a decently balanced population.
Should I leave it alone? Will it disappear as the tank matures? It looks like hell...
Thanks, TK


I'd like to know if there's anything we're supposed to do also. Does it go away by itself, because it seems to be getting worse? It's still cycling with no fish, but it looks awful. Are we supposed to clean it or leave it? Thanks!


How long has it been cycling? I wouldn't do anything yet.. when the bacteria population gets high enough they will start to break it down and covert it to nitrite and then nitrate.. the diatoms or brown stuff growing in your tank in normal at this point and nothing to worry about yet.


Yes, just leave it, that's quite early in the cycle IMO and the diatoms are going to look very bad for a little while but they will go away and your ammonia levels will fall... just keep monitoring the water perameters and be very patient. This is the hardest part.. waiting
The ammonia will go down.
I am on Day 10 of my cycle. On day 2 my Amm shot up to 8. i did a 10 gallon water change...nothing happend. it was 8 for 6 days.
Yesterday i tested my water an my Ammonia is 0. No Diatoms yet though.
It will go down, dont worry about it. ( I know i did)


i've read that you should do water changes during your cycle if you have LR - the goal is no to let it get above 1. higher than that you risk killing off hitchhikers in your LR.
Bang Guy has a great cycle process somewhere on the boards... its loaded with great info...