algae help


for some reason my algae is growing like WOW!!!
the algae growing on the crushed coral is growing like a carpet and and is very loose like??? anyone have any ideas why or what i can do. i have a 30 gallon non reef tank. and also if someone can recomend a cleaner crew.
in the tank is
pink tip hatian anenomie,
arow crab
jewel damsel,
yellow tail damsel,
powderbrown tang
any and all help is greatfull


hey thanks but all the algae is a dark green and it is growing like crazy. the algae is also very thick. any other suggestions?


Originally Posted by camanuch
hey thanks but all the algae is a dark green and it is growing like crazy. the algae is also very thick. any other suggestions?
Cyano is a few different colors.


ok now what can do to get rid or take control of the cyano and can anyone recomend a cleaner crew. thanks
again 30gallon tank


Active Member
Need a little more information. How old is the tank? What are your paramaters? Turnover rate? This will help us help you. Can you get a picture?


Originally Posted by camanuch
ok now what can do to get rid or take control of the cyano and can anyone recomend a cleaner crew. thanks
again 30gallon tank
blue leged crabs-1 per gallon
turbo snails-1 per 2 gallon
nassarius for cleaning sand 1 per 2 gallon
also Mexican turbo snails are great too-1 per 10 gallon
i have an algae problem im fighting too
i have a 75 gallon
60 some odd blue legs
10-20 turbo snails
10-20 nassarius snails
7-Mexican turbos
they are all great at cleaning the sides, rock but if its the same crap im fighting they wont touch your sand (they don't mine anyways so im trying to fight it with keeping all my perimeters correct and my new RODI unit for better water quality and a possible phosban reactor if it will work with my canister filter
still waiting for an answer on that if you want to see if your problem is like mine check it out


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
get rid of the tang you have a pretty small tank and they need at least 125. And can you get any pics of the algea??
i was going to get me a yellow tang
here at the fish site it says you can put them in a 75 gallon