Algae i.d., please


I first noticed this brownish red algae growing in one of my tanks about six months ago. It was handsome, like a very low, deep-red fuzz, and I didn't think much about it. Now it has covered nearly all the rock in that tank and has spread to another tank.
I'm not sure whether to be concerned. A combination of the red algae and a very soft green algae seem to be intimidating some star polyps, but otherwise it doesn't seem too threatening -- but is it killing off my denitrifing purple stuff, or can they coexist.
Thanks for any help. Sorry the images are fuzzy -- I need a true macro lens, I guess.


I will seach on that but if you'd be willing to expound a bit more, fishcake, that would be cool!
Go to theTOP of this board (reef tanks) and read the INFORMATIONAL THREAD.... it has ALL the info you could ever need regarding Cyano....;


What happens when you touch it?
I have some coraline algae about the same color. I think mine isn't cyno because I can rub on it over and over with my finger and none comes off or sticks or anything. Also it stays the same size with the lights off.


Thanks all. It was actually me who bumped that cool info thread.
I checked my halide timer and made the embarrassing discovery that somewho it had gone from 8 hours to 12 hours.
Not sure if I did that or my son was playing with it or what, but I think that is too much! I put it to 8.
Should I be more aggressive though, and try the lights out for 3 days technique advocated in that thread?
The small patch in my other tank is actually shaded most of the day by a large anemone. I'm going to see if I can get a powerhead to point at it and see if increased waterflow helps.