Algae "I think"



i have a 90 gallon that i am takeing care of and i set this tank up it about 2 months old and all the rock has a brown algea looking stuff on it i would post a pic but dont know how.. does anyone know what will eat it? i have a 6 snails in there a and some hermits and a tang.. but it does not help i am going to the lfs trw and wanted to know what i might be able to pick up that will help it?


i'm no professional but i do know that the professors on this board will want to know more! what kind of lighting, filtration, flow and other stuff. give them some more info. they will help out. probally just diatom algae if it's a new tank. if it is, it will go away in time. just check parameters. good luck!


ok will it has a koralia 3 on the end point across the tank and a 2 on the back the tank is 4 foot long. as far as lighting it running 2 150w 10 mh lighting with 10 moons. filtration its got a 15 gallon wet dry filter running and a skimmer made for a 110 gallon tank. it has a couple corals in it they are a colt that 4 or 5 inches and a frag of pulseing xenia [dont think thats spelt right but] and some hairy shrooms. idk on the parameters i will ask next time i go see the tank. the owner keeps a log of them.


Active Member
You need alot more CUC first. that is not enough for a 90 by any means. Pick up a fighting conch, some turbo snails, some nassarius snails, etc. Look on here for some ideas.......exactly what you want will be determined by what kind of livestock is in there already. If you have any puffers or invert eating animals already in place then you may have to find some other way of doing it.
Algae is usually caused by excess nutrients in the tank. In other words, uneated food and detritus. What is the feeding schedule like? How long are the lights on for per day? Is there food that gets left uneaten?
The other thing is what kind of water are you using? Tap water can have phosphates and other things that can give you those same problems sometimes. You should use RO/DI if you are not already.


ok i am trying to talk the owner in to spending some more money on a bigger cuc i took some out of my and put in there for now and when they feed there is not any food left behind. they use well water and i use ro. i have the system for the ro water but they dont want to pay for it she says they are going to be find with out it. so i am going to show her these post and try to talk her in to changing her ways. haha but idk if it will work?