Algae in Agressive


New Member
How does everyone keep their algae under control with aggressivr set-ups. I have the worst time trying to keep the algae under control on the glass, but my main problem is the algae that grows in the corners and on the sand line. Does everyone else have this problem and if so, how do you control yours??
I use the magnet glass cleaner... Is the best invention they made since fishtanks came out :) I bought the large expensive one it cost me around $30... And is worth it :)


Active Member
Wow, I'm surprised your sailfin don't help you out with the algea. Mine pulls every tiny piece he can find in the tank. I also have a foxface and a Naso to help out but the sailfin can handle it in a 125. I use the magnet approach for the front glass, including the sand line. Just be careful. I added a golf ball size turbo snail about 2 months ago and he helps keep the back glass free of algea. He's too big and strong for anyone to bother him.
Good Luck!


my tangs don't eat the algae of the glass, so we must scrape away. occassionally they'll pick at the stuff on the bottom, they prefer what's growing on the rock.
460 gal, 1 sfe, 1 lunare wrasse, 1 cardinal, 1 maroon clown, 1 mandarin, 1 sailfin tang, 2 domino damsels, 2 hippo tangs, 6 yellow tangs, 8 yellow chromis.