Algae indentification

Could someone please help me identify a new type of algae that is beginning to form in my tank. It is really bright, florescent green in color. Is this a type of coraline or is this some bad algae?
Any help in identifying this algae would be greatly appreciated.



We get it occassionally in our tanks and never seems to pose a problem....I think it is kinda pretty, though. I do believe coraline comes in more than one color, but I don't know what kind of algae this is.


Active Member
Coraline can be different colors...I have Purple, Red, Orange, a tad of green..Stioll not sure if thats what it is though..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
Coraline, I got some in my aquarium.

that is excellent. its what you want and a good sign you are doing things right. just keep your calcium / alk levels on par and your tank is going to change its appearance over the next 3 months now that it is starting to grow. take pics to compare
Great, thanks for all of the replys guys. I am really excited as this is the first bit of coraline that has grown on its own in my tank. I have some on some purchased live rock but that is all.
I'm glad it is coraline, as it is a brilliant shade of green. I'd love to see some of this spread around the tank.
By the way , what is the benifit of having coraline growth? I see that everyone desires its growth in their tank, but what is so great about it?


Active Member
some benefits:
Coralline algae prevents other algae from growing
The bright colors add value to tank raised live rock
Coralline covered rocks will seed reef aquariums
Mixed colors of coralline algae are rare in nature
Coraline algae sells the live rock
its a visual cue to the aquarist that the tank is stable and doing well.
first green, followed by reds and eventually the slower growing purple which is heavily calcium dependent. The appearance of lots of purple is a good cue to the aquarist the tank is maturing and ready for corals


Active Member
Yeah, you've got some really nice coraline growth going on. Just give it'll blossom into some really great color. Way to go!!


Active Member
actually that last one is hard to tell. it is the perfect color for cyano - is it soft and feathery and blows off with a turkey baster? if so then that is cyano. corralline is just coloration and some slight encrusting on rocks.
The purple algae does seem to be crusted onto that rock. It will not just come off if I rub it or squirt with a turkey baster. It seems like it is on there pretty good.
If this purple algae is in fact cyano, what should I do now?
I am able to srape it off of the rocks rather easily. I thought it was more encrusted that it actually is.


Active Member
cut back on photo period, cut back on feeding, increase water flow, and remove what you can with a turkey baster.
OK, what is a good rule of thumb for lighting periods?
FYI, I have 2 6000K middays, 2 Actinics and lunars on a TEK 4bulb T-5 unit.
What is a good lighting cycle for this setup?
55g tank. No corals yet , just fish and live rock. I'm preparing to put some corals in the tank in a month or so.