Algae/Lighting Questions


About four months ago, I re-established my SWT after it crashed during hurricane Katrina & Rita... I lost everything....
About four months ago, I re-established the tank, which included an upgrade in lighting... I now use the Coralife PC 2x65 (50/50)....
My problem is over the past couple of months I have had a green hair alge problem out of this world.... And yes I use RO/DI water, before that question comes....
I have had problems with keeping livestock "alive"... Two of my fish though have survived thru this period with no problems at all -- My Clarkii Clown and My Yellow Tang... Zoos and shroom were fine for a while but now they look bad... Water parameters are ok....
My LFS told me that I may not have enough fish or corl in the tank and that is why I am having algae problems... And after returning from a five day trip, I have red (cyano) now all over the place....
Does What my store told me sound right? Does anyone have any suggestions?


Active Member
I don't agree with the LFS at all... the only way that would make sense to me is if you're feeding more than what the fish you do have can eat. A good algae eating fish may help some but that's not going to fix the problem.
What is your water change schedule?? Sounds to me like you need some good water changes... and manually pull out as much algae as you can.
What are your nitrates and phosphates??


Active Member
I agree with what reefnut said.
I think your LFS is full of crap and just trying to sell you more coral and fish! Don't listen to them.
Do some 15-20% water changes, manually pull the algae out, cut back on feeding to every other day and add some flow to the areas with cayno.
Do you have a cleaner crew? If so what does it consist of?
Do you have a phosphate test kit?? It may be testing high and the addition of the new lighting, could explain your outbreak.


could be the lights are no good, some say fading lights will cause cyano breakouts, is your tank becoming cloudy at all? hows your phosphate levels? if so water changes may only add to the problem...I recently just switched from 10ks PC's to 12k's and actually the small cyano outbreak on rocks i am having is starting to it might be in the lighting....but could be overfeeding as well, try cutting back on your lighting schedule and see if that helps, do a small water change, and avoid using tap water.....