About four months ago, I re-established my SWT after it crashed during hurricane Katrina & Rita... I lost everything....
About four months ago, I re-established the tank, which included an upgrade in lighting... I now use the Coralife PC 2x65 (50/50)....
My problem is over the past couple of months I have had a green hair alge problem out of this world.... And yes I use RO/DI water, before that question comes....
I have had problems with keeping livestock "alive"... Two of my fish though have survived thru this period with no problems at all -- My Clarkii Clown and My Yellow Tang... Zoos and shroom were fine for a while but now they look bad... Water parameters are ok....
My LFS told me that I may not have enough fish or corl in the tank and that is why I am having algae problems... And after returning from a five day trip, I have red (cyano) now all over the place....
Does What my store told me sound right? Does anyone have any suggestions?
About four months ago, I re-established the tank, which included an upgrade in lighting... I now use the Coralife PC 2x65 (50/50)....
My problem is over the past couple of months I have had a green hair alge problem out of this world.... And yes I use RO/DI water, before that question comes....
I have had problems with keeping livestock "alive"... Two of my fish though have survived thru this period with no problems at all -- My Clarkii Clown and My Yellow Tang... Zoos and shroom were fine for a while but now they look bad... Water parameters are ok....
My LFS told me that I may not have enough fish or corl in the tank and that is why I am having algae problems... And after returning from a five day trip, I have red (cyano) now all over the place....
Does What my store told me sound right? Does anyone have any suggestions?