Algae Magnet?


I've seen these things all around the net
What's your experience with them? - are they worth it?
Or does nothing beat good ol elbow grease (el
o in the tank, that is)?


Active Member
I haven't seen a tank without one. They are very handy and if you use them before the heavy coraline starts growing on the glass then they work great. I have one for every tank I own.


Active Member
I've got great IMO. My only advice would be to get one that floats if you drop it.


Indeed they are great for the everyday wipings of green algaes, but for the encrusting algaes, like coralline, a sharp edged scraper is needed, available commercially for that purpose.


Get a magfloat I've gone 2 diff ones and the magfloat by far is better. I think it's got a harder scrub surface.


I have 3 in my tank, one big one in the main tank, and a small one in each of my overflows. They work great - mag float.


Active Member
If you get a bigger one, don't let your fingers get between them when its not on the tank. You may not be able to use your fingers for a day or two aftewards.
A good cheap scarper is one from Lowes it is called a American line it cost $2.97 and if gives you some extra blades you have to make sure you wash the blade off with fresh water and dry it but it works great and cheap too


Active Member
Yeah go with magfloat. Don't mess around with the smaller magfloats though. Go ahead and get the biggest one (usually around 20$), it will work much better than the smaller ones and is far less likely to fall off inside the tank, which means you have to fish it out of the tank, no biggy but annoying. For removing the encrusting algae, I recommend Kent's Proscraper. It does a great job and I wish I'd gotten one much earlier than I did. With both the magfloat and the proscraper, make sure you get the kind intended for the type of tank you have (glass or acrylic).


Highly recommend Magfloat,but I would find a softer scrub pad to silicone on the exsisting one. the one it comes with can scratch your tank with time, glass or acrylic. just my 2 pennys :rolleyes: