Algae missing. Is this a problem?


I've had my tank since December. It has a fairly large load in it. It's a 46 gallon hex tank with 5 fish, a fairly large LTA, a few crabs, a fire shrimp, and numerous corals. I used to have to scrape the sides almost every day but lately I haven't had to do this but once a week at most. I have a lot of coralline algae on my rocks. Is the lack of algae growth on the glass a sign of the tank maturing or is it an ominous warning sign of imminent doom? My water parameters are all pretty good although I do get elevated phosphate periodically and I did have a one-time spike in nitrate that I took care of with aggressive water changes. Everybody in the tank seems happy and healthy. Should I be concerned?


Active Member
no reason for concern, it means your water quality is good and there are little trates and phos for the algaes to feed on so growth is eery slow. in a very clean tank you should only need to clean your glass about once a week, to prevent visual imparement. often its more like every 3-4 days but only once a week is a good thing.