Algae on Glass


New Member
I was wondering if anyone knew of any fish that would eat algae off of the glass wall of the tank. I have a 55 gallon with a Kole Tang, scooter blenny, and a few damsels.


Active Member
My kole tang is always kissing the glass and my LMB also. The best algea cleaner should be you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
My kole tang is always kissing the glass and my LMB also. The best algea cleaner should be you.
I find it very easy to take care of it myself with a home made device. I took a sponge paint applicator and taped the handle to a dowel rod (ghetto I know) and it works very well for me.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I was mainly looking for complimentary ideas, not to get out of regular cleaning. If anyone has any other thoughts, I am open to them.