Algae on glass


I am recently having a problem with green stuff on my glass. It is really kinda hard to scrape off the glass. I have never had a problem with hair algae just the stuff on the glass. I bought 4 Turbo snails today. Hopefully they will clean it off. Any other ideas on how to keep it off the glass?


Well-Known Member
Your green algae is consuming nitrates from the nitrogen cycle and therefore is actually very beneficial to your system. Of course most do not like scraping glass or the apearance of green algae. You might consider adding plant life you like to consume the nitrAtes. That way you can starve the green algae and have plant life you like.


I know the algae that you are talking about. I get it in both my FW and SW tanks.
I am assuming you mean the kind that you have to take a credit card to to scrape off? My normal glass cleaner (magnet kind) won't scrape it off.
Really, I don't know the kind of algae that it is, but it is a pain to get off the glass.


mine is near impossible to scrape off with a razor blade. I hope this is good algae...I have more of this stuff than coarline:eek: