Algae on my clam...What the h!#$


Active Member
What is the point in this algae on the sides of my hippopus clam? When I got it it didn't have any and now it is all over, I have even trimmed it. It looks like macro algae, not micro.


Active Member
:eek: wow you gotta hairy clam! :hilarious for real though, it looks like a type of hair algea to me.


Active Member
It's not like hair algae, it's like really hard like turtle grass or something?



Originally posted by tony detroit
Looks like a ---- movie on hallucinogens.

.......OMG thats discusting!
I was thinking more on the lines of a chia-pet... but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess


:yes: Bro, it looks like bryopsis. Roots were probably on the clam when you bought it, though not visible to you.
Do a search and get to the source of this problem quickly! This stuff can be a pain, and a big mess. This can turn a tank upside-down if not dealt with. I sure don't want to see that pretty clam die.
There are also natural predators for bryopsis. Once again, research.
Anyone agree? :needhelp:


looks liek maidens hair to me, my LFS seels it for $40, i almost got some, it's really pretty.....but not on a clam, lol.
it's gonna be hard to kill it without harming the clam though, good luck



Originally posted by Birdy
Tony and Paco :nope:

o boy...Birdy, you shoulda seen the convo b/ me, melody, and lovethesea last night


Active Member
BillB that's exactly what I need. A spongebob with a mower, would it live in the tank???lol
Tony that's some funny sh!t, you and paco thougth exactly what I did. Bad thing is my girlfriends the one that made me think of it. Her mind was deep in the
Spoon I had never heard of that before, but after doing a search on it, it said it was feathery like stuff? What I have really doesn't match the description, but i am glad of it that bryopsis seems like some bad crap!
I was wondering if it could be some kind of mechanism for catching pods of something? It really doesn't make much sense, but there are tons of pods, tiny worms etc in the algae, along with some bubble algae.
Feels kinda weird telling people "oh just getting done trimming the clams hair" (sounds little dirty)lol, but my gf got a kick out of it!!!:D