Algae out of control


Is there anyway to control out of control algae? The tank isn't in the sun and the algae just wont stop growing. I can pull it out but in another week or two its back and about 4 inches long in some spots. The tank is a 55 gallon long with a 4 ft. smart lite with two 65 watt bulbs. Any thoughts or solutions?

mr . salty

Active Member
Algae problems are mostly caused by two things,,,Poor lighting,or poor water quality...How old are your bulbs???How long are these lights on per day???How about your water readings???In paticular Nitrates and Phosphate readings...What about filteration and circulation...All these are factors in controling algae...


My lights are about a month old, I upgraded from 55 watts. I read something about lowering the phosphates how does this work and will it hurt fish, inverts, or corals


Do a big water change and replace the water with RO water. Ro has minimal to no phosphate in it...
To get rid of the green algae I put a yellow tang in my tank and it ate all of my greens in two weeks...


I have a purple tang in my tank and he doesn't seem to graze much. He loves brine shrimp and spirulina flakes. It's funny because I sell water treatment systems for a living. So I could easily get an RO system for free. I'll give it a try.


Active Member
I wouldn't suggest a BIG water change at one time. Do small ones weekly or bi-weekly. A big change can cause other problems..
As stated, your nitrates and phosphates need to be checked. Nitrates can easily climb up in a tank without sufficent means of removal. Phosphates are introduced through water changes and some foods.
The thing I have found best to work is, RO/DI water for all make up and replacment water, Limit feedings to no more than once a day and feed less. Overfeeding is a common to caue a rise in nitrates.
Good Luck

mr . salty

Active Member
99% of the time a lighting upgrade will start an algae bloom,did your problem staert after these new lights were installed??Also,,do you have a skimmer???