Algae problem.. 55 gallon... nitemare


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Messeduptriple http:///t/392896/algae-problem-55-gallon-nitemare#post_3491942
.. it sounds like the sump is gonna be some work ..I have no clue on where to start.
Sumps sound
much more complicated than they are to set up. They are so easy to care for, and hide equipment. I had used canister filters for all of the 40 years I have kept fish, salt and freshwater....after getting a sump, just a few short years ago.... I will never go back. Macroalgae is my cure for high nitrates, hands down.


New Member
if you have the skills to build an algae scrubber they are a cheap highly effective way to eliminate nitrates and phosphates from a tank without water changes. When I first started this hobby I knew nothing about nitrates and phosphates for quite a while. After the tank was set up for while I checked nitrates and phosphates and they were through the roof. I set up an algae scrubber and with in 3 weeks they went to undetectable...oh ya and all the algae in my tank disapeared too. Starved it for nutrients. I wouldnt run a system without an algae scrubber. It is the most effective way to eliminate nitrates and phosphates therefore eliminating the food for algae in your tank. Just my experience.
Maybe you can build a algae scrubber. It's low cost and effective on eliminating algae.
Here is the link.


New Member
I have had a tank running for 5 years also and in the past 6 months had a green hair algae outbreak the seemed to happen over night. The first thing I did was went to Walmart and got a turkey baster (my wife thought I was crazy) and used it to blow off the rocks as best as I could. I then found out that my hang on the back filter just was not enough it got full of the algae I blew off the next day. So I then bought a canister filter and a second power head. This seemed to also help out but instead of the algae coming back two days later it was now about three days. I then added a phosban reactor and a new uv light since mine was 4 years old I figured it was maybe all hooped up inside and quit working. I am also running nitrate sponge in my canister filter. My problem is slowly going a way but not gone. I use the turkey baster to clean off the rocks every 2 days along with changing the water out every 2 weeks and change all of the stuff in the filter every 3 weeks. I never seen any traces of phosphates after the algae outbreak until I started blowing the rocks off.
I just had my sump running for about a month when this happened. I was using an overflow box that I could not hear my self think around, and I think one main reason it happened was not enough flow.


Well-Known Member
If you are getting algae growth there is no point in measuring phosphate in the water - it will probably be zero because the algae are using it to grow. A sump can be easy and inexpensive - you can make one from a 10 or 20 gallon tank using plans online. Then you can put your skimmer in the sump along with some chaeto, which will eventually reduce algae growth. You might also want to consider getting a phosphate reactor and using granular ferric oxide (GFO), which will outcompete the algae for the phosphate. Just don't expect a quick resolution to your problem - nothing good happens fast, but good husbandry, combined with a little understanding of the chemistry of your system will eventually solve your problem.