Algae problem>>>>>>>>>


I have a 18g w/at leat 10 lbs of LR
The problem is I have abundant red slime algae. How do I get rid of it?
I have a pygmy angelfish that loves to eat it but I really hate cleaning it everyday.
I have Two baby Maroon Clowns(less than an inch), a green chromis( about an inch and my first fish), a yellow clown goby( about 1/2 of an inch),Pygmy angelfish(1 inch), and some star polyps. I have a single 18' reef sun bulb for lighting and keep the star polyps about 3' from it and leave the lights on for about 10 hrs a day. I personally feel it is the amount of hrs I leave the lights on. I know I have too many fish I am planning on keeping the Pygmy angel, green chromis, and yellow clown goby. Please help! :(


Active Member
Well you already said you were going to reduce the fish load - that's good idea.
Lighting of the incorrect spectrum and duration, and water circulation also play a key role in reducing nuisance algae, but limiting nutrients is a good place to start. I don't know much about the 18" reef sun bulb, maybe some others can help here?
If you could post your levels, specifically nitrates and phosphates, that would help very much.


Active Member
What kind of substrate are you using?
I know when I had cc I had to vacume at every water change to help keep the nitrates in check.