Algae problem..

Water flow is probably a major cause here, but I'll tell you what I actually found to work for me.
I had an algae problem that was 10x worse than yours. At first, I listened to everyone else and tried everything on the difficult road to fixing my algae problem. Many water changes, more flow, decreased lighting, RO water (of course this was part of it), etc. Than I finally broke down and tried the easy road. I bought Algaefix from API and it worked it's magic. You add the fluid solution to the tank every 3 days until the algae is reduced and then just add once a week to maintain. In two weeks, the algae was gone. I had numerous, massive hair algae all over the place. I tried buying numerous snails, scarlett hermit crabs, lawnmower blennie (although I love the guy), and many others to try to eliminate the algae. And all it took was to buy the Algaefix when everyone mentioned that it wouldn't work.
Now, you should definitely get more water flow in your tank and use RO water whenever possible. And yes, the Drinking water from Walmart is RO filtered. It mentions that on the label. But I would definitely try Algaefix from API and see if it fixes your problem along with more water flow.
Hope this helps and good luck!


Originally Posted by Cranberry
But top offs and water changes are too different beasts.
But see..I keep my top closed and do a water change every Tuesday or Friday and I keep the water level very very high- for my protein skimmer and rarely need to top off since I keep my AC on all day for my fishes. So, I rarely have to top off my tank.
Though I'm going to start buying Wal-Mart RO water to top off from now on.
Thanks!! "Horn Daddy!" lol
I'll most definitely try to buy a powerhead this weekend and increase my flow.. to see if anything helps.. then I guess I just have to buy algaefix to fix it.. Thanks!!!


New Member
I am curious what kind of clean up crew you have in the tank.
When my tank came out of its cycle I had brown, green and red algae all over the place. When I dropped in my clean up crew it took them about 4 days before they had it under control and they have kept it knocked down for over two months.
My crew consists of
Scarlet Reef Hermits
Dwarf Blue Leg Hermits
Emerald Crabs
Nassarius Snails
Cerith Snails
Astrea Snails (Sand Darts)

Peppermint Shrimp.
I have also added some Black Mexican Turboes.


I had the same problem when my tank was cycling. I put a sand sifter starfish and he took care of everything! They are pretty cheap too. I think I paid $9 for him. I even have a baby one now.



Wow.. I'm definitely going to look into that starfish..
My clean up crew-
18 (some died) turbo snails Though' I only see about 8 of them.
6 Sand snails.. that does not stay in the sand.. often near the edge of my closed top
8 peppermint shrimp
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
20? more or less hermits.. I have zebras, red legs, blue legs.. but my zebras had been assasinating the rest of them...
That's about it...


All I know is that my starfish did a wonderful job. They love that stuff! I took the chance on a $9 dollar critter and he is cool too. People say they dont climb glass or rocks. I dont ever see him on the rocks, but I do have pictures of him climbing the glass. Can hurt to try. I dont like using chemicals to fix things unless its the last measure. Good luck


Looks like diatom to me. My tank has it I read most new tanks get diatom heh. My sand sifter is helping but chemi-pure (filter) made it die now its black and going away but not fast.
Sand sifting star fish, is really a Burrowing Star fish. They are ok, but two types. One has pin feet the other type has suction cups. One that climbs glass has the suction cup feet and will have better chance to make it long term. A burrowing star fish needs a nice amount of sand to find stuff to eat. Most say 120 gal without will starve. Im upgrading from 55 to 120 gal. Note if you have a deep sand bed you dont want a burrowing star fish they eat what in sand.
Originally Posted by MsJenn1979
All I know is that my starfish did a wonderful job. They love that stuff! I took the chance on a $9 dollar critter and he is cool too. People say they dont climb glass or rocks. I dont ever see him on the rocks, but I do have pictures of him climbing the glass. Can hurt to try. I dont like using chemicals to fix things unless its the last measure. Good luck
I agree that using chemicals is a last measure too, but for me, it was the last measure.
The chemicals did not harm any of my corals, anemones, other inverts, or fish.


Ok I just bought an extra power head let's hope that the algae get's better. I'll also get some RO water from wal-mart to top off. Let's hope it goes away...


Originally Posted by litoallie
Ok I just bought an extra power head let's hope that the algae get's better. I'll also get some RO water from wal-mart to top off. Let's hope it goes away...
I dont know if the flow it's self is going to get rid of the algae but Im sure it will help prevent it. You should try that star fish to help clean it up. As far as tap water I have always been told by the LFS that it will cause a problem with the algae. I got lucky I guess - I have a 900 GPH pump for 75 gallons. Good luck with your quest


Active Member
on a saltwater tank you dont want to keep the glass top on it will not help with gas exchange