Algae problem


New Member
I have a new 46g FOWLR tank that has been up for about 8 weeks now. I have 72lbs of live rock and also have live sand. I got a new Current sundial T5HO and in the past couple of days have had MUCH algae growth. From what my LFS tells me it is red slime. I also have alot of green/brown on the sides, back and on my pumps (especially the Protein skimmer pump). I have a Fluval 305 filter. The water readings seem good with no ammonia, nitrites and around 30mg nitrates. PH is 8.3. The lights were on for 12 hours and I just (tonight) moved them back to 9 for the actinic and 4 for the daylight. Besides the filter and protein skimmer, I don't have any other pumps. Should the water circulation be more? I just added 3 turbo snails, will that do it?
Sorry for the long explanation.
From my experience with my old 90 Gallon I would get to much growth if i kept the lights on longer then 10 hours a day.. And The red slim is an indication that you need more water movement. And for the green algae I would make sure you alk is at least 8.0 dkh and get some hermit crabs since they love that stuff. The snails will help with the glass but that's it. Good luck and try to get the problem solved quick because it grows FAST
Alkalinity 2.5-4 meq/L7-11 dKH
Ok it wont let me put in links to e-b-a-y or even type the word lol
2 PUMPS! Hydor Koralia # 3 Pump Powerhead 850g = WAVES!
Copy that and post in the search engine and this auction gets you two for like 60$ and its a great deal since my lfs sells similar for like 500$ Now you dont have to go with that brand you could go a little more expesive but this is the style your gonna want to get.