Algae problems.


Hello everyone I would like some help. I went away on vacation and had somebody feed my tank and i built my own auto top off. I think she may have over fed because there is a pretty big algae bloom. I had hair algae before but was still trying to deal with it.
I apparently have:
1. Green hair algae
2. cyno
3. One i don't know the name of
(Does anybody know algae identification websites?)
I would like the best ways to deal with each one that you have had success with. I will also be talking to a saltwater specialist. Please help me dal with all of these to get my tank back on track! Thanks! : )


1) Cut down on fish feeding. I feed moderate amount of flake once a day, mysis shrimp, and fresh shrimp 2-3x a week when feeding anemones.
2) VERY High water flow and current throughout the tank.
3) White light on for only 11-13 hours. Mine is on for 12.
4) Water Quality, Water Quality, Water Quality.......(test, test, test)
5) Many water changes with RO or RO/DI water changes.
It's all very simple, but yet very difficult. Your objective is to make a little cube of water be at least 95%+ as good as the Ocean.


Originally Posted by markus0909
1) Cut down on fish feeding. I feed moderate amount of flake once a day, mysis shrimp, and fresh shrimp 2-3x a week when feeding anemones.
2) VERY High water flow and current throughout the tank.
3) White light on for only 11-13 hours. Mine is on for 12.
4) Water Quality, Water Quality, Water Quality.......(test, test, test)
5) Many water changes with RO or RO/DI water changes.
It's all very simple, but yet very difficult. Your objective is to make a little cube of water be at least 95%+ as good as the Ocean.
1. I have recently cut down feeding for a whole day and will bring up to a small amount(And i never feed flakes)
2. I currently have a K4 and K2 and was told that is enough
3. I was advised to change light cycle to 7 hours metal halides and actinic 10 hours
4. I test water every week and the parameters have been perfect every week
5. I always use RO/DI (I have one installed)
It must be something else..............
Two probelms I have:
my 29g (2-3 weeks old)
-Leaving my actinics (sp?) on to long...cyano loves actinics
my 90g (few years old)
-lights too old...causes the lights to give off the wrong "message"...causing a whole lot of hair algae
I have tried everything for the hair algae...


Originally Posted by IloveFISH2009
Two probelms I have:
my 29g (2-3 weeks old)
-Leaving my actinics (sp?) on to long...cyano loves actinics
my 90g (few years old)
-lights too old...causes the lights to give off the wrong "message"...causing a whole lot of hair algae
I have tried everything for the hair algae...

Okay I will shorten up my actinics some. It wouldn't hurt. But my lights are not the problem. Had them for alittle under 6 months. It is an outer orbit system.


Also, if you are using frozen food try to rinse in RO/DI water and strain before adding it to the tank. This will cut down on Phosphates...Obviously, this is hard to teach someone to do if you are on vacation, but now that you are back you might be able to do it that way.


Originally Posted by Ryancw01
Also, if you are using frozen food try to rinse in RO/DI water and strain before adding it to the tank. This will cut down on Phosphates...Obviously, this is hard to teach someone to do if you are on vacation, but now that you are back you might be able to do it that way.
Thanks i will be sure to do that.


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Algae is necessary. It's cyano...and isn't an algae at all.
Well obviously it is but not when it is taking over your tank. And that was a joke. If your not going to try to help please don't post on this thread. And I was just abbreviating! Maybe it was the wrong abbreviation but you knew what i meant didn't you! So really please don't post again if your not going to really help me.


Well everyone that is helping I have been running phosphate remover to help. Here are water parameters as of today:
Nitrite~ 0
Ammonia~ 0
Nitrate~ 0
Alkalinity~ 9 dKH
Calcium~ 340 (Working to raise that)
Ph~ 8.4
Phosphate~ 0 (I know It can't be read sometimes if the algae is sucking it up. That is the
reason I am running phosphate remover)
What else could be wrong?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Life~Reefer
Well obviously it is but not when it is taking over your tank. And that was a joke. If your not going to try to help please don't post on this thread. And I was just abbreviating! Maybe it was the wrong abbreviation but you knew what i meant didn't you! So really please don't post again if your not going to really help me.
Okay, I'll be sure to not post on this thread any more.


you can try a dual reactor with carbon and GFO. It will help with your algae, and make your tank crystal clear. GFO removes phosphates which are a major part of algae growth.


Originally Posted by Life~Reefer
So really please don't post again if your not going to really help me.

PLENTY of articles on algae removal on this site- please use the search feature as they are all caused by and fixed by the same tasks.