

New Member
Wondering How You Guy's Keep Your Algae Under Control In Your Agressive Tanks.i Have An Juvi Emporer And A Purp Tang But They Cant Keep Up With The Hair Algae.


Active Member
Hair algae is caused by excessive nitrates, phosphates, silicates, too much lighting, or old light bulbs. Eliminate the problem and you will eliminate the hair algae.


New Member
must be the halides cause the nitrates is around 10. I have a refuguim with alot of calupera
growing. also use only ro water.


Active Member
How long do you run your halides? How old are they?
You have halides on a tank with puffers and triggers?


ok question to Lion Craze, you said that my 45gal is insufficient for my yellow tang, I was told by the fish expert there at the LFS that I could have 3 in there but it's a risk of over crowding them, I guess I'll have to conveince my g/f that we need to turn the 135gal into salt, or just buy a new 160 haha she'll be happy about that,, yeah right.... but really your the first to mention that to me.... are they fast growers?


New Member
my halides were from my first 90g reef tank that happened to start leaking while i was out of town about 4 months ago. wanted to go a different way this time around.used the same lights. I do have a few corals in there now. star poylps and a few shrooms. The halides are about 10 months old and I run them 12 hours aday.