algae question


New Member
I got a 75 gallon with dual 175W MHs, wet-dry filter, skimmer. Tank has been functioning x months, and I have been getting worsening cyanobacteria, hair and brown algae. Got 30 hermits, 30 turbos/nasarius snails. but they cant keep up. Was using tap water, but changed to deionized water and added a phosphate remover about 1 month ago. The algae problem seems to be getting worse, requiring me to mix the live sand bottom daily to remove the brown covering. PLEASE help, as I am about to get some corals and want to fix this problem badly. By the was, pH 8.2, amm0, nit10.


Active Member
First of all, stop mixing the sand bed...,every time you do this you are releaseing bacteria into the water. Your Nitrates and Nitrites have to be at 0.
How often and how much do you feed the tank? What kind and how long do you keep your lights on? Useing tap water probably didn't help. Use RO water only.
Do you have any Powerheads in there? You could use 2 of them in a tank that size.


New Member
The lights are on 12 hours/day. As for mixing the sand bed, I dont agree with you. If I dont mix it, the sand will be brown in a matter of days....
I have to powerheads in the tank. Any other advice?????


Active Member
What type of fish do you have in the tank and how often are you feeding them? How long has the tank actually been running? How often do you or have you been doing water changes and how much % of your water are you taking out per water change? Why are you keeping the lights on for 12 hours every day if you don't have corals yet?


New Member
I have 2 clowns and 1 damsel in the tank. I transported the tank about 4 months ago (it was about 1/2 day before it was running again). The tank was 14 years old when I transported it.
I feed the fish 1-2 times daily and they eat everything up. As for water changes, I do 15 gallon changes every 3 weeks. Any other advice?????


Active Member
Try doing water changes with RO water only. Try keeping your lights off for a couple of days...this won't hurt the fish. Also cut back feeding to once a day.
What kind of clean up crew do you have? If this works cut your light time down to 5 or 6hrs a day.
I know you don't agree about stirring up the sandbed, but if you keep doing that your nitrates won't come down.
OOOPS......You already stated what your cleanup crew is.:happyfish