Algae Question


New Member
:confused: I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to control algae in my tank. I am new at this. I have had my tank for about 2 months, 55 gallon. I have a variety of snails, emerald crabs, sea cucumber and hermit crabs, but the algae seems to grow like crazy. Can anyone help me?


there are different ways to combat different types of algae. which kind are u having problems with?


New Member
I use RO/DI water and my levels seem to be right on. I test almost everyday. I am not an algae expert so I dont exactly know the name of the algae, but it orange in color or a rusty looking color and I am getting these green grassy patches growing on my filter and powerhead intakes. Should I try to change the water? Or should I take it down to my LFS for testing first?