Algae Question


New Member
I have a reef tank for 6 months and I am starting to see green algae on a rock and a couple of green bubbles also. I just added a new lighting fixture which now is 192 watts (was 110). My numbers are:
Alk 2.8
PH 8.4
Calc 550 (a little high)
Ammon 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Temp 78-80 degrees
I have some corals and 2 clowns, a salfin tang and 1 lawnmower blemmy. I have turbo snals and have lost most of my red and blue hermits. Do I need another cleanup crew or is there a fish suggestion that would take care of this?


Active Member
Some green algea in the tank is not a problem and in my opinion is normal. If your tank is being over run with algea however you my want to check your phosphate levels.
If phosphates are high there are a number of products on the market to remove them.


Active Member
The lighting change was for the better, the algae was already there waiting for good light.
Phosphate test are highly recommend, you are at the point of the reef timjeline where red slime will bloom if the phosphates are > 0.5 ppm.
I don't recommend any phosphate removing products except RO/DI or demineralizing units the rest are bandaids that will eventually fail.
You might want to add a few more snails.
What happened to your hermits?


New Member
I originally put 20 blue hermits and 15 scarlet hermits in the tank and they died. About 1 1/2 months ago I put the same amount in and they lasted a couple of weeks. My tank is 6 months old, I didn't understand. I am ordereing another cleanup crew. I acclimated them as I have done for my tank at home where they are thriving. The snails have been living, but not the hermits.


Active Member
Do your hermits get anything to eat? I don't know enough about your set up but they may be starving. You said the last batch died in a couple weeks. That's about how long they'll last without food.
HTH, Dan'l


New Member
I give the tank Micro Vert plus whatever food the fish don't eat ( brine and flake). Is there anything else I can add?