Algae question

mot ii

We've had our 65 gal tank up and running; fully cycled for at least a month+ now. We had 2 damsels which we put in after about three weeks to help cycle tank (however both are now out since we want to put other fish in...
) a lawnmover blennie, a turbo-snail and two other snails (can't remember names right now) all of these which have been in for at least 3 weeks.
During the first month+ we had the typical diatoms on the tank glass and on the substrate, but it has since pretty much gone away. However we recently started seeing some new algae on the substrate that I haven't been able to identify. It appeared just in the front half of the tank bottom (didn't show up near/on the rocks or behind the rock area) and kind of a here/there pattern. It was darkish brown/black and had little 'hairs' growing from it. It didn't look at all like "hair algae" that I've seen pictures of and it wasn't growing anywhere but the bottom. The blennie and snails wouldn't touch it. We are using a CC type substrate.
I can't provide a picture right now because my DH stirred up the bottom as he moved the LR, etc in an attempt to catch the two damsels so little pieces of the algae were then floating around and settled on the bottom in very small clumps that I can't get good clear pictures of. Any ideas just from my description? Our biggest concern is if it is a 'bad' algae.
Our levels are:
ammonia = 0
ph = 8.4
alk = 1.7 (had been consistently at 2.9 but suddenly dropped)
nitrate = 20
nitrite = 0
salinity = 1.0235
temp runs between 76 and 82 (depends on how hot it gets outside...)

mot ii

Thanks. We are starting to think we don't have enough crew doing the work....
Yes, I believe the turbo snail we have is a mexican one...
Thanks for your response!