Algae question


1 have a two-week-old 75 with 45 lbs of base rock and 7 hermits from another tank (three scarlets, four blue legs) anyway, I am using my pc's and I guess the hermits have introduced some coraline because i have tons tiny spots of the base rock covered with purple and bright green. My question is about the algae I noticed today. It is very thin and sheet-like and purple/brown in color. Does anyone know what this is? How or what can remove it if it is not something I want?
Thanks, Lancer


Active Member
If it is brown it is probably a diatom bloom. since your tank is cycling this is normal and you will have several types of algae growing before your tank is finished cycling.


New Member
Sounds like you are in the same stage of cycling that my 75 gal is going through right now. I have had my tank up and running since 20 February and 3 days ago, I started to get the Diatom Bloom. Boy is it ugly. I am still cycling, but had to add a couple of Bluelegs just so I would feel like I was doing something about it.
I have been told to be patient. If anyone knows more about the Algee surprised during cycling, please post. I am staying optimistic and hope that the brown crud goes away or turns into something more pleasing to look at.
Keep me posted on how your new tank is doing as we are going through the same growing pains.


If the alge is dirty brown it is likely diatoms. If it is rusty red, almost maroon, it could be coraline. When you touch it is is slimy? If this is the case, it could be cynobacteria. Keep a powerhead on it and see what happens.


Active Member
This link may help you a little.
<a href="" target="_blank">Algae info can be found here.</a>