
Do you use green algae sheets?
Brown algae sheets?
Or both?
and which brand do you use??


Active Member
I have a tang, and I use the green marine algae sheets from ocean nutrition with garlic added. I have tried the red, but my tang wont touch it.


I usethe green Instant Ocean ones also...I was just wondering if there were others, and if anyone used the brown??


I actually use red, green, brown and occasionally purple, all by Ocean Nutrition w/ added garlic.
My tangs will not touch the green unless they haven't been fed in over 36 hours, but the blennies and flame angel will scarf them down. My tangs prefer the red and brown, and I think that they look healthier, but that might also be due to the fact that they don't like the green that much. My coral beauty won't touch green sheets.
I don't think there is much difference as far as nutritional value, but I like to offer as much variety as I can. You should see how many different types of frozen foods I have. There is more fish food in my freezer than human food.


Active Member
I use the "Sushi Party" pack from wallyworld... (green)
I am very skeptical there's an actual difference between the colors, (as in the different algae in each of them). Tried and tried to find something that indicates the differences, but haven't turned up anything. In addition to green, brown, and red, there's purple. When a $7 pack of Julian Springs Purple seaweed sheets with all of 10 sheets, looks and feels the same as the $2 green wallyworld pack, I bet it is...
I'm sure you guys know my opinion on garlic by now too....


That's funny fish tear the green apart...I also have brown (well I'm out of it now) which they will eat too...I bought some purple once, and it just literally turns to mush.
I have a few pics of the section of the freezer that I keep my fish food in...LOL...they are on my computer at home. I posted them once, but can't find them.
Aqua, I am going to check my Walmart, but for some strange reason...I bet they do not have that here