algae sheets



I brought some algae sheets from the lfs and they said it was like a salad for fish. just hang it in your tank and they will nibble on it for hours . well I did and they never touched it but now I got green algae all over my rock with these little hairs and these tiny little white things growing on my glass.
anybody think its from the algae sheets or is it just a coincidence. anyways any advice would be helpful!!


Active Member
I would say it's a coincidence.
The little white things growing on your glass are a common harmless filter feeder.

debra w-c

New Member
What kind of fish are you trying to feed the algae too?
I guess fish are like people, some of us are salad people some of us are meat eaters :notsure:
White things are probably copepods or something else harmless. I wouldn't worry about that:happy: