

Well i guess i cant win for loosing, when i started off i had a bad problem with brown algae well i swapped from using tap water to ro/di and it helped a ton!! Just a little bit ago i upgraded my lighting, now i have uncontrolable green algae!!! Any ideas?


Well i guess i left this too open, is this normal with the high power lights, i noticed my water temp was higher with the new lights is this the cause, or is this just normal and i need more clean up critters to keep it under control?


a bigger clean up crew could definitely help...
but it might be the lighting as well...
How long do you keep your lights on?
I think 10 - 12 hours a day is the longest they should be turned on.


Well i only leave mine on about 6-8 hours a day, but i only have 3 turbo snails and 5 zebra hermits. How big of a crew do i need for a 30 gal? What critters should i get?(hermits, snails,whatever else)


I asked the same question not to long ago...
I have a 37 gal tank and 5 hermits, 5 snails, 1 bristle star, 1 pepermint shrimp, and a cleaner clam but I was told that I needed at least 10 more hermit crabs and 15 more snails in my tank...
So I'm guessing for a 30 gal tank, if you've got a lot of LR to clean up, you should probably have at least 15 hermits and 15 snails....
you could probably try a lawnmower blenny too. They're fun to watch and they eat up a lot of algae...