

New Member
Help I have a red sea max that is just over a month old I am having an algae problem. What should I do?


are you using ro/di for water changes and have you tested for phosphates in your water? whats your feeding and light cycle like?


New Member
i do not have a test kit for phosphates. I turned down the lights to 8hrs a day. I have been using pre mixed sw water from my LFS. AS I think about it they are going out of business, maybe they are cutting conrners and not using DO/DI. I also buy my top off water at a water supply store. I know that it is Ro, but not sure about DI. I have had SW tanks over about 7 years and have never had a problem with algae like this. What would you call that type of algae? Hair?
How can I get RODI water without buying a filter? I am trying to avoid a chemical solution, but is there a option


you really need a phosphate test kit, phosphates are a huge cause of most peoples algae problems. as for your top off water, most LFS dont use DI filters because of the cost of filters and the quantity of water made. if they did ro/di water would cost you like $10 a gallon. i learned that the hard way. i usually take a drive to my fathers house to fill up off his ro/di unit. i was lazy one day and picked up a quick fill at the local LFS and after 2 years with no problems... the next day i had some nasty algae growing. i went in to speak to them and they laughed at me when i asked if they used a full ro/di setup.

as for not buying a filter... its really one of those things that if your semi-serious about the hobby you need to have one. its 100% worth the money up front to head off certain problems later. i just started a 40G breeder project and its top on my list of things that are MUST have for the new setup.