

I get this algae on a daily basis. SOrry i didnt take the photo in the afternoon without the actintics.
This algae is a maroonish color and i get it daily. The tank DOES get indirect light from windows but am unsure if thats the cause for this algae. I get it on the LR as well, anything exposed toward the front of the tank (light?)



I would recommend getting some kind of CUC for the sand such as nassarius snails or a conch. This is red slime algae. I would feed less and maybe cut down on the light cycle depending on how long it's on now. Is there any way you can close the drapes/blinds on the windows until your tank light is on?


Active Member
im justing getting over my red slime algae problem...hopefully.
what i did is:
-siphon out all that you can w/ a turkey baster
-when doing WCs also try to get some out
-reduce lighting
after doing all of the above i did 3 treatments of chemi clean.
i found out that after every treatment it was helpful to siphon out/use a baster and blow the slime into the water column. that way you help reduce the slime in combination with the chemi clean.
this is what i did and my slime is practically gone. and the chemi clean had no negative effects on my inverts or fish. 100% reef safe if you follow the directions.
hope this helps.


Direct sunlight isn't a problem since I've seen tanks that have natural sunlight going in them and they are crystal clear looking.
What kind of water flow do you have? Maybe try working around your current power heads so you have enough flow in those areas or upgrade to a bigger flow if needed.
These are good suggestions as well, try them:
Originally Posted by gio28
what i did is:
-siphon out all that you can w/ a turkey baster
-when doing WCs also try to get some out
-reduce lighting


Active Member
Red Slime (Cyano Bacteria)
Cyano grows on top of nutrient rich areas of low flow. There are a number of things that need to be correct or possibly corrected to combat this without the use of chemical additives. The biggest thing is to get rid of the extra nutrients.
1.Evaluate your feeding. If you are feeding more than can be eaten in about 1-2 minutes it is too much and the remainder of it is falling to the rock and sand and becoming nutrient.
2.Evaluate your flow. If you have areas in the tank where there is little to no flow this can be corrected by adding power heads or repositioning the ones you already have. You don’t need to create sand storms just have water moving over the area to keep detritus suspended in the water column for removal by your filter – skimmer.
3.Evaluate your water changes. The solution to pollution is dilution! You want to continually remove unneeded nutrients as well as replace those things that are used by the system. 10% weekly is a good change schedule. Some do 20% every other week and some vary the schedule from there, but a good start is 10% per week.
4.Evaluate your lighting schedule. About 10 hours of daylight is all that is needed.
5.If you have a Cyano outbreak do the above 4 items and:
a.At water change time siphon off the Cyano first. It will come up easily almost like a blanker.
b.After siphoning stir the affected areas a little to suspend any detritus for the water change and filtering - skimming removal.
c.Use a turkey baster now and at every water change in the future to again suspend the detritus for removal by the water change and your filtering – skimming.
Keeping nutrient levels low to non-existent will help to avoid Cyano outbreaks and any algae outbreaks as well as keep your tank and you happy happy.
Hope that helps.