

New Member
I see all these threads about algae. I have had my tank running for about 2 months and went through my cycle everything thing is 0 except nitrates is 10. I have a clown, scooter, 3 crabs, Haitian Condylactis Anemone. I have no algae none. everything is as white as the day I got it . Is this a problem. lighting is
:confused: It came with the tank ... 40 gal. corner tank..
should I have algae by now?


Active Member
I never got an algae bloom in mine either. No clean-up crew, just two clowns and my LR. I don't think lack of algae is worth worrying about, as long as your crabs don't starve. ;)


New Member
You need strong water movement in the tank. Star by using power heads like the Venturi Sweep model. Also use Kent Marine Liquid or Powder form Calcium. Calcium makes the hard purple algae grow. Use this along with Kent Marine Strontium & Molybdenum and Iron and see all of the algae attached to the live rock will start to grow.
You need at least a couple of pieces of Live rock to get some algae growing in the tank. The lighting that came with the tank is too weak for the Caulerpa algae to grow ( leafy big plant kind)but the purple coralline will with the water movement. Just depends on what you want. I would look in to metal halides period. They give proper intensity for the corals, algae and inverts. Thats the setup I have 2 x 175watts Metal halide and 2 x 40Watts actinic blue on 55 gallon. Get one sized for your tank.