


I have a bad algae problem it went from brown to green and is taking over. I have a med yellow tang but it isn't affecting the problem any. Do I need to get more tangs or is there a chemical I can use. Any suggestions will be greatly apreciated.


Active Member

Could you give us some more info on your set-up?
Do you have LR? What kind of substrate? What kind of filtration?Lighting? Are you using RO/DI water? What are your test readings? Have you tested for phosphates? What are all of your tank inhabitants?


Active Member
There is no true cure to algae...only prevention...
RO/DI water---> No tap
Good lighting---> watch the age..older goes into yellow end of spec
Watch the phosphate introduction...some food, etc.
Keep all filters clean and in optimum condition.
If you have crushed coral substrate..keep it vacumed..
It takes only one lax moment to create weeks of work when it comes to algae.